堅持以不偏不倚的態度, 為港人揭露各種消費者陷阱

To protect consumers from fraudulent business practices, defective products and poor services.

Dr K Kwong對於日本核輻射影響本港食物安全提供的中立意見Dr K Kwong
Dr K Kwong, 香港大學化學系博士, 其學術地位有目同睹, 不分黃藍, 純粹以理性角度, 以其科學專業知識評論時事。 究竟他怎樣看因為洩漏輻射所導致的潛在食物安全問題呢?

日本福島核污水排放計劃而引致關於食物安全問題,最近掀起城中熱話, 鬧至滿城風雨。在熾熱的討論下, 我們能否保持客觀?

以下是城中名人,科學專家Dr. K Kwong的意見:

為了同時便利中文及英文讀者, 以下由鄺博士提供的意見, 將會以雙語放送:

【日本食物安全】 (About Japanese food safety)

問題 1: 怕唔怕福島核電廠水?
Question 1: Are you afraid of nuclear waste water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant?

回答 1: 唔怕,因為濃度低。
Answer 1: Not at all, because the concentration is low.

問題 2: 支持政府禁日本10縣(東京、福島、茨城、宮城、千葉、群馬、栃木、新潟、 長野和埼玉)海產品嗎?
Question 2: Do you support the government’s ban on seafood from 10 prefectures (Tokyo, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Miyagi, Chiba, Gunma, Tochigi, Niigata, Nagano and Saitama) in Japan?

回答 2: 唔支持,搵嘢嚟做。
Answer 2: I don't as such measure was redundant and pointless.

問題 3: 以後唔畀入口,對你有乜影響?
Question 3: If you don’t get the Japanese food imported in the future, what impact will it have on you?

回答 3: 冇乜影響,一向好少係香港食日本嘢,因為貴過日本好多,亦冇咁新鮮。我會飛去日本食!唔好同我爭!
Answer 3: It doesn't matter, I seldom eat Japanese food in Hong Kong, because it is much more expensive than in Japan, and it is not so fresh either. I will fly to Japan to enjoy Japanese food! Nothing could stop me from enjoying Japanese food!

問題 4: 係咪你自己唔怕死咋?
Question 4: May be it just you don't afraid of the consequences of consuming Japanese food, right?

回答 4: 我個孫都食日本生果喎!
Answer 4: Even my grandchildren are eating fruits from Japan!

問題 5: 咁你真係唔驚輻射?
Question 5: Are you really not afraid of radioactivity?

回答 5: 我驚呀,我驚佢D核污水未排哂就再一次「東海大地震」,咁就一次過乜Q未處理過嘅污水就排哂落海,全球漁業真正大鑊。我短期內會再去日本玩,唔好同我爭!
Answer 5: I am afraid, I worry that if the nuclear sewage was not discharged to the sea, and there was another "Tōkai earthquakes with tsunami". Then, the untreated stored waste water will be discharged into the sea all at once when a massive tsunami attacking the plant, and the global fishery industry will be in real big trouble. I will visit Japan soon for leisure! Don't stop me from enjoying my visit in Japan.

問題 6: 東海大地震嘅風險高嗎?
Question 6: Is the risk of the Tōkai earthquakes high?

回答 6: 好高,所以積埋咁多污水唔係好事。
Answer 6: It is very high, so it is not a good idea to accumulate a huge amount of radiative waste water.

問題 7: 會影響日本生果嗎?
Question 7: Will Japanese fruits be at risk?

回答 7: 唔會! 海嘅水係上唔到陸地灌溉系統嘅。
Answer 7: Not at all. Sea water cannot does not reach inland water systems. The radioactivity has no effect on the rain and inland precipitation.

問題 8: 氚同碳14會永遠留係身體内嗎?
Question 8: Will tritium and carbon-14 stay in the body forever?

回答 8: 唔會!佢哋生物半衰期得幾日。
Answer 8: No. Their biological half-life is limited to a few days.

問題 9: 如果啲水冇事點解你唔攞嚟飲?
Question 9: If there is nothing wrong with the water, would you drink it?

回答 9: 係經過海水稀釋咗嘅水無事,即濃度低到冇影響,但係我唔會飲海水。尿都冇事我都唔會攞尿嚟飲喎!
Answer 9: There is nothing wrong with the water diluted with seawater, that is, the concentration is low enough to have no health effect, but I don't know wanna drink seawater. Urine is free of radioactivity but who would drink urine to demonstrate that urine is safe to drink?

問題 10: 你賣國賊,所以你嘅意見有偏頗!
Question 10: You are a traitor and therefore your opinion is biased!

回答 10: 唔係日本政府做嘅所有嘢我都支持,最重要係透明度。好多國家都冇透明度。
Answer 10: No, I don't support everything the Japanese government does, but the most important thing is government transparency. There is no transparency in many countries.

鄺士山(英語:Kenneth Kwong Si-san),香港大學化學系博士,人稱「Dr. K. Kwong」,香港連鎖補習社現代教育前化學科補習導師。

鄺士山1957年生於香港,中學就讀九龍工業學校,於香港中文大學一級榮譽畢業,博士論文師承香港大學化學系潘宗光教授。他曾擔任香港中文大學、香港理工大學(前工專)、工業學院講師,後曾長期於現代教育擔任化學科補習導師,有「補習天王」之稱。 2019年,正值反修例運動多場示威期間香港警察施放大量催淚彈驅散示威人士,他在社交網站Facebook解釋催淚彈成份、二噁英的形成和毒性,後被香港傳媒邀請作相關訪問。 2020年2月21日,他舉行記者會,正式發佈伙拍研製濾芯的本地創科公司研發「HK Mask」可換式口罩。他表示由構思至完成口罩製作只花了7天時間。